SECF - Soros Educational Center Foundation
SECF stands for Soros Educational Center Foundation
Here you will find, what does SECF stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Soros Educational Center Foundation? Soros Educational Center Foundation can be abbreviated as SECF What does SECF stand for? SECF stands for Soros Educational Center Foundation. What does Soros Educational Center Foundation mean?Soros Educational Center Foundation is an expansion of SECF
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Alternative definitions of SECF
- Cafi airport
- Submarine Electronics Computer Field
- Star Educational Christian Foundation
- Sheffield Emergency Care Forum
- Sociedad Española de Ciencias Fisiológicas
- South East Croquet Federation
- EMI Contact Fingers
View 13 other definitions of SECF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SEL Sykes Elder Law
- SRSI Supreme Restoration Services Inc
- SHCL SH Consulting LLC
- SDC Swan Dust Control
- SPSI Southeast Pipe Survey Inc
- STL Samovar Tea Lounge
- SEC Stratford Ecological Ctr
- SHD Sporting Heroes Deventer
- SCUSAI Scad Consultants USA Inc
- SWT Sage Woodfire Tavern
- SEL Scottish Everlastings Ltd
- SCPL Shearer Contracting Pty Ltd
- STL The Shetland Times Limited
- SAIL Shenzhen Accord Industry Limited
- SFS Seneca Financial Solutions
- SH Skate for Hope
- SEAI Social Enterprise Auckland Inc
- SAI Scan Again Inc